

文化 - 2019年1月18日


杰西卡·泰尔 | 洞察力的出版物

Waupaca铸造 is proud to employ the men and women who have served our country. In fact, 10 percent of our employees have served in uniform.

洞察力的出版物 | 工作场所的勇士


When Yliyah Weber-Hawkins decided to join the Army National Guard in 2011, 他能够从他的清单上划掉一个大问题:在他履行军事义务的同时,他的工作状况如何.

Since 2005, he had worked for Sargento Foods at its Hilbert facility. As Weber-Hawkins completed his Basic Combat and Advanced Individual Training, the company not only accommodated his needs, it fully supported him in his endeavor.

Weber-Hawkins was deployed to Afghanistan for nine months in 2014, 在那段时间里, he could rest knowing his job was secure when he returned. 当员工在现役时, Sargento弥补了他们的军饷和工作收入之间的差额. 除了, co-workers stayed in touch with him, sending letters and care packages.

“I can’t even really put words to it. 太神奇了. 知道我有一个支持我的雇主,这只是我不必担心或压力的一件事,韦伯-霍金斯说, a maintenance apprentice for the company.

对于Weber-Hawkins, 他是两个孩子的父亲,一边在国民警卫队服役,一边完成学徒计划,并在湖岸技术学院上课, 这是巨大的. Because Sargento also pays for his schooling, 他可以把退伍军人管理局的教育津贴转给他的两个女儿,而不是用在自己身上.

史蒂夫Cahoon, senior director of manufacturing for Sargento, 他说,公司认识到军人在维护国家安全方面发挥的重要作用, 所以它总是确保员工离开时得到支持,回来时有工作.

“We’re trying to do everything in our power to keep connected with them, so they feel like they’re part of the family here at Sargento,他说.

A recognized supporter of 军事 members, Sargento已经获得了3个爱国者奖和2个超越奖,这些奖项是由国防部的雇主支持警卫队和后备军颁发的, 或ESGR. 该组织致力于为国民警卫队和预备役人员发展和促进支持性的工作环境.

That level of support benefits service members and 退伍军人 and the company alike. Employees with 军事 experience bring loyalty, 纪律, 创造性思维和协作, all skill sets that are directly applicable to a manufacturing environment, Cahoon说.

这一认识是最近启动的威斯康星使命人才管道项目背后的推动力之一. It’s the newest phase of the state’s $1.900万美元的全国营销活动,招募退役军人及其配偶前往威斯康星州. The campaign is a joint effort of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp.威斯康星州退伍军人事务部和威斯康星州劳动力发展部.

这项倡议包括由州政府雇员和私营部门代表组成的团队参加在国内外军事基地举行的“雇佣我们的英雄”过渡峰会,宣传在威斯康星州生活的好处. 已经, 代表团访问了三个州的军事基地,并与850多名军人进行了互动.

With 200,000 to 250,000 transitioning 退伍军人 in the U.S. 军事, 丽贝卡Deschane, talent initiatives director for the WEDC, says this is a worthwhile group to pursue, 威斯康辛州有很多可以提供的. It leads the nation in state-offered benefits, 是一个养育家庭、提供高质量生活和教育体系的好地方吗, 她说.

在该倡议上注册的企业提供了公司正在寻找的空缺职位和技能的信息. 在过渡峰会之后, 威斯康辛州代表团向该公司提供了接触经过审查的变性人的机会,这些人可能是过渡退伍军人和配偶的合适人选.

威斯康星州已有40多家公司加入了该计划,其中包括奥什科什公司., Foxconn, Quad Graphics and Schneider. Businesses can get involved in several ways, 包括加入代表团, 在峰会期间举办一场“sidecar”活动,并申请由“雇佣我们的英雄”组织协调的企业奖学金, a national initiative aimed at connecting 退伍军人, service members and 军事 spouses with employment opportunities.

德尚说,国家和私营企业的共同努力使这项计划脱颖而出. “We’re finding that that united front is truly setting Wisconsin apart,” 她说.



除了 to partnering with Mission Wisconsin, Oshkosh Corp. works with the Department of Veteran Affairs, Hiring our Heroes and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to reinforce its commitment to helping 退伍军人 transition, 达西·皮尔逊说, director of diversity and inclusion for the company.

奥什科什公司. 雇佣约850名退伍军人, making up 7 percent of its workforce, 去年,该公司的退伍军人人数增加了17%. In 2018, it participated in events with 军事 bases across the nation, and it’s finalizing its schedule for 2019.


Once those 退伍军人 join the company, 奥什科什公司. works to ensure they successfully transition into their civilian roles. It offers a 军事 member employee resource group, 公司的每个部门都有一个网络,成员们像冠军一样相互支持, buddies or mentors as they transition. 除了, the company holds celebrations and recognition events for vets.

Mercury Marine also has a strong history of hiring and supporting 退伍军人. Steve Zurawski, talent acquisition manager for Brunswick Corp. 水星海事, says as the company faces difficulty in filling positions, it has begun an initiative to hire more 退伍军人.

这家总部位于方杜拉克的船用发动机制造商有一项政策,即每位申请的老兵都能得到面试机会. To support 退伍军人 once they are hired, Mercury has affinity groups in place. 这为拥有相似经历的人创造了一个温馨的环境, Zurawski说.

“You’re coming from 军事 life to civilian life, and here’s how we can help you transition,他说. “很高兴有一个紧密的联系,并向我们的退伍军人展示我们有团队来帮助他们.”

丛集团. of Neenah is another company that actively recruits 退伍军人. Jay Stephany, 人才引进经理, says this group is a natural fit for the work Plexus does. The company works to “connect the dots” for associates, so they take pride in the products the company builds and what those go into.

Plexus的一些产品和技术用于拯救生命和保护士兵的安全, a fact that resonates with many 退伍军人 working for the company, 他说.

“We get a chance to be a part of being able to support the 军事, whether it’s building the technology and/or making sure that 军事 folks, 当他们退役的时候, 我们所能提供的, 希望, some employment opportunities for them,他说.

该公司旨在借鉴退伍军人的经验,同时通过庆祝活动和军事墙来表彰他们的服务, 其中包括退伍军人的照片, those who are serving actively and employees’ family members who are serving.



为退伍军人和现役军人创造一个支持性的环境至关重要. 卢克文森特平衡工作作为一个电工在美高梅博彩的马里内特位置与服务于陆军预备役.

退伍军人和军人, serving at all levels from general foundry to top management, make up 10 percent of the company’s workforce. Vincent says this creates a sense of camaraderie, knowing others he works with every day can relate to his experiences.

除了, 美高梅博彩为那些在储备中积极服务的人提供调度需求,并为那些被部署的人提供职位, maintaining their level of seniority.

文森特说他觉得自己很幸运, 特别是当他的公司里的其他人与雇主分享他们所经历的问题时.

“I tell them, ‘Mine are awesome,’他说. “It definitely helps because I have absolutely no issues.”

罗伯•约翰逊, an Air Force 经验丰富的 and chief financial officer for Waupaca铸造, says the company’s 军事-friendly practices are a win for all parties. 退伍军人和军人可以放心,因为他们有雇主的支持, and the company benefits from the many skills 退伍军人 bring.

“我认为这很重要, 不管是军事还是不军事, to continue to support your employees,他说.

菲尔Eatherton, a 经验丰富的 and human resources manager for Waupaca铸造, says supporting 退伍军人 and 军事 personnel is second nature for the company. It’s important to be able to translate 军事 jargon, 了解退伍军人的经历,并根据需要引导他们接受创伤后应激障碍等问题的服务, 他说.

In 2017, 美高梅博彩获得了三个爱国者奖中的第二个,冶金学家凯尔·米什卡(Kyle Myszka)表彰了Eatherton和主管乔·克雷斯克(Joe Kreske),感谢他们在他在陆军预备役军官候选人学校服役期间对他的支持.



#经验丰富的 #退伍军人 #waupaca #wfnews